Scriptures other than the Hata Yoga Pradipika containing asanas
chapter I of Hata Yoga Pradipika lists out the following 15 different types of asanas along with details
Kukkuṭa âsana,
Uttâna Kûrma-âsana,
Dhanura âsana,
Paśchima Tâna,
Siṃhâsana and
What are the scriptures that contain detail about any Hata yoga asanas other than that are mentioned in the Hata Yoga above.
yoga asana hatha-yoga
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chapter I of Hata Yoga Pradipika lists out the following 15 different types of asanas along with details
Kukkuṭa âsana,
Uttâna Kûrma-âsana,
Dhanura âsana,
Paśchima Tâna,
Siṃhâsana and
What are the scriptures that contain detail about any Hata yoga asanas other than that are mentioned in the Hata Yoga above.
yoga asana hatha-yoga
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chapter I of Hata Yoga Pradipika lists out the following 15 different types of asanas along with details
Kukkuṭa âsana,
Uttâna Kûrma-âsana,
Dhanura âsana,
Paśchima Tâna,
Siṃhâsana and
What are the scriptures that contain detail about any Hata yoga asanas other than that are mentioned in the Hata Yoga above.
yoga asana hatha-yoga
chapter I of Hata Yoga Pradipika lists out the following 15 different types of asanas along with details
Kukkuṭa âsana,
Uttâna Kûrma-âsana,
Dhanura âsana,
Paśchima Tâna,
Siṃhâsana and
What are the scriptures that contain detail about any Hata yoga asanas other than that are mentioned in the Hata Yoga above.
yoga asana hatha-yoga
yoga asana hatha-yoga
asked 6 hours ago
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2 Answers
Yes apart from Hatha Yoga Pradipika a text called The Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas. Yoga Yajnavalkya is a dialog between well known Rishi Yajnavalkya and Gargi a Brahmavadini.
Chapter three of Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing list of eight asanas in detail procedure with procedure. These Asanas are Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana , Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. As well as variations of these Asanas. I am posting some of them with shlokas.
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच :
आसनान्यधुना वक्ष्ये शृणु गार्गि तपोधने ।
स्वस्तिकं गोमुखं पद्मं वीरं सिंहासनं तथा ॥ १ ॥
भद्रं मुक्तासनं चैव मयूरासनमेव च ।
तथैतेषां वरारोहे पृथग्वक्ष्यामि लक्षणम्
Yajnavalkya said : Now i will describe the Asanas .Gargi rich in
austerity ,listen to me . Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana ,
Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. I will
describe these asanas one by one .
Swastik Asana
जानोर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कृत्वा पादतले उभे ।
ऋजुकायः सुखासीनः
स्वस्तिकं तत्प्रचक्षते ॥ 3 ॥
Having correctly placed the soles of both the feet between the thighs
and knees , one should sit (comfortably) balanced and straight -bodied
.This is called Swastikasana.
Gomukha Asana
दक्षिणेऽपि तथा सव्यं गोमुखं गोमुखं यथा ।
अङ्गुष्ठौ च
निबध्नीयाद्धस्ताभ्यां व्युत्क्रमेण तु ॥ 6 ॥
Place the right ankle beside the buttok , on the left , and the
(ankle) at the right .This is Gomukhasana. Resembling the face of cow.
Mayur Asana
समुन्नतशिरःपादो दण्डवद्व्योम्निसंस्थितः ।
सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥16॥
Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the ground and keeping the
elbows at the side of the naval with the head and legs raised ,
staying in space (off the ground) - this is Mayurasana ,which destroys
all impurities.
So Yoga-Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas.Here are Sanskrit verses of
Yoga Yajnavalkya
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Gheranda Samhita is another text which describes Asanas and Mudras in details. Along with Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Shiva Samhita, it is one the 3 classic treatises on Yoga.
The performance of Asanas is done in order to gain Dhrirata or firmness.
So, Asanas, Mudras etc are practiced as part of a larger Yogic procedure.
The 2nd Chapter of this text deals exclusively with Asanas and the 3rd with Mudras. Mudras given are also very similar to Asanas. For example, Viparatikarani, which is usually considered an Asana, is given under Mudras.
According to Gheranda Samhita there are 84 hundreds thousands Asanas as described by Lord Shiva. Of which only 84 are chief. Of which again only 32 are useful for us.
Gheranda said ---- 1. There are 84 hundreds of thousands of Asanas
described by Shiva. The postures are as many as there are numbers of
species of living creatures in this universe.
- Among them 84 are the best; and among these 84, 32 have been found useful for mankind in this world.
Then in the next few verses the names of these 32 Asanas are given:
So, the 32 Asanas like Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana etc .. are mentioned and the procedures of forming them are also given in the subsequent portion of the chapter 2.
The PDF of the text can viewed from here.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Yes apart from Hatha Yoga Pradipika a text called The Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas. Yoga Yajnavalkya is a dialog between well known Rishi Yajnavalkya and Gargi a Brahmavadini.
Chapter three of Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing list of eight asanas in detail procedure with procedure. These Asanas are Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana , Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. As well as variations of these Asanas. I am posting some of them with shlokas.
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच :
आसनान्यधुना वक्ष्ये शृणु गार्गि तपोधने ।
स्वस्तिकं गोमुखं पद्मं वीरं सिंहासनं तथा ॥ १ ॥
भद्रं मुक्तासनं चैव मयूरासनमेव च ।
तथैतेषां वरारोहे पृथग्वक्ष्यामि लक्षणम्
Yajnavalkya said : Now i will describe the Asanas .Gargi rich in
austerity ,listen to me . Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana ,
Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. I will
describe these asanas one by one .
Swastik Asana
जानोर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कृत्वा पादतले उभे ।
ऋजुकायः सुखासीनः
स्वस्तिकं तत्प्रचक्षते ॥ 3 ॥
Having correctly placed the soles of both the feet between the thighs
and knees , one should sit (comfortably) balanced and straight -bodied
.This is called Swastikasana.
Gomukha Asana
दक्षिणेऽपि तथा सव्यं गोमुखं गोमुखं यथा ।
अङ्गुष्ठौ च
निबध्नीयाद्धस्ताभ्यां व्युत्क्रमेण तु ॥ 6 ॥
Place the right ankle beside the buttok , on the left , and the
(ankle) at the right .This is Gomukhasana. Resembling the face of cow.
Mayur Asana
समुन्नतशिरःपादो दण्डवद्व्योम्निसंस्थितः ।
सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥16॥
Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the ground and keeping the
elbows at the side of the naval with the head and legs raised ,
staying in space (off the ground) - this is Mayurasana ,which destroys
all impurities.
So Yoga-Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas.Here are Sanskrit verses of
Yoga Yajnavalkya
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Yes apart from Hatha Yoga Pradipika a text called The Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas. Yoga Yajnavalkya is a dialog between well known Rishi Yajnavalkya and Gargi a Brahmavadini.
Chapter three of Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing list of eight asanas in detail procedure with procedure. These Asanas are Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana , Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. As well as variations of these Asanas. I am posting some of them with shlokas.
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच :
आसनान्यधुना वक्ष्ये शृणु गार्गि तपोधने ।
स्वस्तिकं गोमुखं पद्मं वीरं सिंहासनं तथा ॥ १ ॥
भद्रं मुक्तासनं चैव मयूरासनमेव च ।
तथैतेषां वरारोहे पृथग्वक्ष्यामि लक्षणम्
Yajnavalkya said : Now i will describe the Asanas .Gargi rich in
austerity ,listen to me . Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana ,
Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. I will
describe these asanas one by one .
Swastik Asana
जानोर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कृत्वा पादतले उभे ।
ऋजुकायः सुखासीनः
स्वस्तिकं तत्प्रचक्षते ॥ 3 ॥
Having correctly placed the soles of both the feet between the thighs
and knees , one should sit (comfortably) balanced and straight -bodied
.This is called Swastikasana.
Gomukha Asana
दक्षिणेऽपि तथा सव्यं गोमुखं गोमुखं यथा ।
अङ्गुष्ठौ च
निबध्नीयाद्धस्ताभ्यां व्युत्क्रमेण तु ॥ 6 ॥
Place the right ankle beside the buttok , on the left , and the
(ankle) at the right .This is Gomukhasana. Resembling the face of cow.
Mayur Asana
समुन्नतशिरःपादो दण्डवद्व्योम्निसंस्थितः ।
सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥16॥
Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the ground and keeping the
elbows at the side of the naval with the head and legs raised ,
staying in space (off the ground) - this is Mayurasana ,which destroys
all impurities.
So Yoga-Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas.Here are Sanskrit verses of
Yoga Yajnavalkya
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Yes apart from Hatha Yoga Pradipika a text called The Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas. Yoga Yajnavalkya is a dialog between well known Rishi Yajnavalkya and Gargi a Brahmavadini.
Chapter three of Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing list of eight asanas in detail procedure with procedure. These Asanas are Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana , Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. As well as variations of these Asanas. I am posting some of them with shlokas.
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच :
आसनान्यधुना वक्ष्ये शृणु गार्गि तपोधने ।
स्वस्तिकं गोमुखं पद्मं वीरं सिंहासनं तथा ॥ १ ॥
भद्रं मुक्तासनं चैव मयूरासनमेव च ।
तथैतेषां वरारोहे पृथग्वक्ष्यामि लक्षणम्
Yajnavalkya said : Now i will describe the Asanas .Gargi rich in
austerity ,listen to me . Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana ,
Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. I will
describe these asanas one by one .
Swastik Asana
जानोर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कृत्वा पादतले उभे ।
ऋजुकायः सुखासीनः
स्वस्तिकं तत्प्रचक्षते ॥ 3 ॥
Having correctly placed the soles of both the feet between the thighs
and knees , one should sit (comfortably) balanced and straight -bodied
.This is called Swastikasana.
Gomukha Asana
दक्षिणेऽपि तथा सव्यं गोमुखं गोमुखं यथा ।
अङ्गुष्ठौ च
निबध्नीयाद्धस्ताभ्यां व्युत्क्रमेण तु ॥ 6 ॥
Place the right ankle beside the buttok , on the left , and the
(ankle) at the right .This is Gomukhasana. Resembling the face of cow.
Mayur Asana
समुन्नतशिरःपादो दण्डवद्व्योम्निसंस्थितः ।
सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥16॥
Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the ground and keeping the
elbows at the side of the naval with the head and legs raised ,
staying in space (off the ground) - this is Mayurasana ,which destroys
all impurities.
So Yoga-Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas.Here are Sanskrit verses of
Yoga Yajnavalkya
Yes apart from Hatha Yoga Pradipika a text called The Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas. Yoga Yajnavalkya is a dialog between well known Rishi Yajnavalkya and Gargi a Brahmavadini.
Chapter three of Yoga Yajnavalkya is describing list of eight asanas in detail procedure with procedure. These Asanas are Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana , Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. As well as variations of these Asanas. I am posting some of them with shlokas.
याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच :
आसनान्यधुना वक्ष्ये शृणु गार्गि तपोधने ।
स्वस्तिकं गोमुखं पद्मं वीरं सिंहासनं तथा ॥ १ ॥
भद्रं मुक्तासनं चैव मयूरासनमेव च ।
तथैतेषां वरारोहे पृथग्वक्ष्यामि लक्षणम्
Yajnavalkya said : Now i will describe the Asanas .Gargi rich in
austerity ,listen to me . Svastikasana , Gomukhasana , Padmasana ,
Virasana ,Simhasana ,Bhadrasana ,Muktasana and Mayurasana. I will
describe these asanas one by one .
Swastik Asana
जानोर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कृत्वा पादतले उभे ।
ऋजुकायः सुखासीनः
स्वस्तिकं तत्प्रचक्षते ॥ 3 ॥
Having correctly placed the soles of both the feet between the thighs
and knees , one should sit (comfortably) balanced and straight -bodied
.This is called Swastikasana.
Gomukha Asana
दक्षिणेऽपि तथा सव्यं गोमुखं गोमुखं यथा ।
अङ्गुष्ठौ च
निबध्नीयाद्धस्ताभ्यां व्युत्क्रमेण तु ॥ 6 ॥
Place the right ankle beside the buttok , on the left , and the
(ankle) at the right .This is Gomukhasana. Resembling the face of cow.
Mayur Asana
समुन्नतशिरःपादो दण्डवद्व्योम्निसंस्थितः ।
सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥16॥
Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the ground and keeping the
elbows at the side of the naval with the head and legs raised ,
staying in space (off the ground) - this is Mayurasana ,which destroys
all impurities.
So Yoga-Yajnavalkya is describing these asanas.Here are Sanskrit verses of
Yoga Yajnavalkya
answered 39 mins ago

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Gheranda Samhita is another text which describes Asanas and Mudras in details. Along with Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Shiva Samhita, it is one the 3 classic treatises on Yoga.
The performance of Asanas is done in order to gain Dhrirata or firmness.
So, Asanas, Mudras etc are practiced as part of a larger Yogic procedure.
The 2nd Chapter of this text deals exclusively with Asanas and the 3rd with Mudras. Mudras given are also very similar to Asanas. For example, Viparatikarani, which is usually considered an Asana, is given under Mudras.
According to Gheranda Samhita there are 84 hundreds thousands Asanas as described by Lord Shiva. Of which only 84 are chief. Of which again only 32 are useful for us.
Gheranda said ---- 1. There are 84 hundreds of thousands of Asanas
described by Shiva. The postures are as many as there are numbers of
species of living creatures in this universe.
- Among them 84 are the best; and among these 84, 32 have been found useful for mankind in this world.
Then in the next few verses the names of these 32 Asanas are given:
So, the 32 Asanas like Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana etc .. are mentioned and the procedures of forming them are also given in the subsequent portion of the chapter 2.
The PDF of the text can viewed from here.
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Gheranda Samhita is another text which describes Asanas and Mudras in details. Along with Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Shiva Samhita, it is one the 3 classic treatises on Yoga.
The performance of Asanas is done in order to gain Dhrirata or firmness.
So, Asanas, Mudras etc are practiced as part of a larger Yogic procedure.
The 2nd Chapter of this text deals exclusively with Asanas and the 3rd with Mudras. Mudras given are also very similar to Asanas. For example, Viparatikarani, which is usually considered an Asana, is given under Mudras.
According to Gheranda Samhita there are 84 hundreds thousands Asanas as described by Lord Shiva. Of which only 84 are chief. Of which again only 32 are useful for us.
Gheranda said ---- 1. There are 84 hundreds of thousands of Asanas
described by Shiva. The postures are as many as there are numbers of
species of living creatures in this universe.
- Among them 84 are the best; and among these 84, 32 have been found useful for mankind in this world.
Then in the next few verses the names of these 32 Asanas are given:
So, the 32 Asanas like Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana etc .. are mentioned and the procedures of forming them are also given in the subsequent portion of the chapter 2.
The PDF of the text can viewed from here.
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Gheranda Samhita is another text which describes Asanas and Mudras in details. Along with Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Shiva Samhita, it is one the 3 classic treatises on Yoga.
The performance of Asanas is done in order to gain Dhrirata or firmness.
So, Asanas, Mudras etc are practiced as part of a larger Yogic procedure.
The 2nd Chapter of this text deals exclusively with Asanas and the 3rd with Mudras. Mudras given are also very similar to Asanas. For example, Viparatikarani, which is usually considered an Asana, is given under Mudras.
According to Gheranda Samhita there are 84 hundreds thousands Asanas as described by Lord Shiva. Of which only 84 are chief. Of which again only 32 are useful for us.
Gheranda said ---- 1. There are 84 hundreds of thousands of Asanas
described by Shiva. The postures are as many as there are numbers of
species of living creatures in this universe.
- Among them 84 are the best; and among these 84, 32 have been found useful for mankind in this world.
Then in the next few verses the names of these 32 Asanas are given:
So, the 32 Asanas like Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana etc .. are mentioned and the procedures of forming them are also given in the subsequent portion of the chapter 2.
The PDF of the text can viewed from here.
Gheranda Samhita is another text which describes Asanas and Mudras in details. Along with Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Shiva Samhita, it is one the 3 classic treatises on Yoga.
The performance of Asanas is done in order to gain Dhrirata or firmness.
So, Asanas, Mudras etc are practiced as part of a larger Yogic procedure.
The 2nd Chapter of this text deals exclusively with Asanas and the 3rd with Mudras. Mudras given are also very similar to Asanas. For example, Viparatikarani, which is usually considered an Asana, is given under Mudras.
According to Gheranda Samhita there are 84 hundreds thousands Asanas as described by Lord Shiva. Of which only 84 are chief. Of which again only 32 are useful for us.
Gheranda said ---- 1. There are 84 hundreds of thousands of Asanas
described by Shiva. The postures are as many as there are numbers of
species of living creatures in this universe.
- Among them 84 are the best; and among these 84, 32 have been found useful for mankind in this world.
Then in the next few verses the names of these 32 Asanas are given:
So, the 32 Asanas like Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana etc .. are mentioned and the procedures of forming them are also given in the subsequent portion of the chapter 2.
The PDF of the text can viewed from here.
edited 22 mins ago
answered 44 mins ago

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