
Showing posts from March 16, 2019

Can a wizard cast a spell during their first turn of combat if they initiated combat by releasing a readied...

2 $begingroup$ My wife plays a wizard. We hear Orcs coming up the hall. The wizard decides to ready a spell for when the door opens. So she casts the spell and holds it until 10 seconds later the door opens initiating the trigger. BOOM the fireball goes off. Combat begins. Can she cast on the first round of combat even though she released the energy of the readied spell as a triggered reaction? My first inclination is, YES, because she didn't cast the spell at the beginning of combat, she did that when she readied the spell. She just released its energy as a REACTION to the door opening, outlined on page 193. dnd-5e spells initiative readied-action share | improve this question ...
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