
Showing posts from April 12, 2019

Why did they expect Astronaut Scott Kelley's telomere shortening to accelerate? (they got longer!)

2 $begingroup$ The NPR News article and podcast Scientists Share Results From NASA's Twins Study says: SCOTT KELLY (NASA Astronaut): You know, the symptomatic stuff is fine. I don't have any long-term negative feelings, physically, from being in space. Now, there's the things you can't feel. And hopefully, I will never learn that those are a problem. GREENE (Host): Those things you can't feel - well, it turns out they are as small as the protective structures at the ends of his chromosomes. MARTIN (Host): Yeah. These are called telomeres, and normally, they get shorter with age. But what about in space? SUSAN BAILEY (Principle Investigator): What we wanted to do was evaluate telomere length in both of the twins before and after so that we could see, you know, where they st...

Solving $ 2< x^2 -[x]<5$

4 1 $begingroup$ How to solve inequalities in which we have quadratic terms and greatest integer function. $$ 2< x^2 -[x]<5$$ . [.] is greatest integer function. Do we need to break into the cases as [0,1), [1,2) and so on? functions inequality ceiling-function share | cite | improve this question edited 5 mins ago YuiTo Cheng 2,406 4 9 37 asked 1 hour ago maveric maveric 919 12 $endgroup$ ...
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