
Showing posts from March 11, 2019

Drangedal kommune

Drangedal kommune kommune kommunevåpen Land   Noreg Fylke Telemark Adm.senter Prestestranda Areal 1 063 km²  - land 998 km²  - vatn 65 km² Folketal 4 105  ( 1. januar 2018 ) Folketettleik 4 / km² Målform nøytral Ordførar Tor Peder Lohne (Sp) Kommunenr. 0817 Wikimedia Commons: Drangedal Nettstad: Drangedal er ein kommune i Telemark fylke. Drangedal grensar i sørvest mot Gjerstad (i Aust-Agder fylke), i vest mot Nissedal, i nord mot Kviteseid, i nordaust mot Nome, i aust mot Skien og i sør mot Bamble og Kragerø. Bilete | Drangedal kyrkje Foto: Hallvard Straume Kjeosen jernbanebru Toke, også kalla Tokke Foto: Hallvard Straume Bakgrunnsstoff | Drangedal kommune Kommunar i Telemark Bamble Bø Drangedal Fyresdal Hjartdal Kragerø Kviteseid...

Aliens englobed the Solar System: will we notice?

5 $begingroup$ Around 100 million years ago, the Solar System was instantaneously encased in a massless, magical sphere centered about the Sun. The boundary is about 10,000 AU (.158 ly) in radius and behaves abnormally: matter and energy from outside the boundary may enter into the Solar System unaffected, while matter and energy trying to exit is essentially erased (if you were to reach your hand beyond the boundary, you'd retract a gory stump). Question: Assuming that everything else proceeded as usual with the dinosaurs' extinction and humanity's uprising... With such a structure just thrown up like that in the distant past, could there be any astronomically glaring signs or repercussions of it that would tip us (present-day "modern" astronomers with our space telescopes and space probes)...
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