
Showing posts from February, 2019

1664 Felix

1664 Felix Oppdaging A Oppdaga av E. Delporte Oppdaga ifrå Uccle Oppdaga dato 4. februar 1929 Alternative namn B 1929 CD Kategori Hovudbeltet Baneelement C JPL Epoke 30. november 2008 (JD 2454800,5) Solfjerne (aphel, Q) 428,137 mill. km (2,862 AE) Solnære (perihel, q) 272,135 mill. km (1,819 AE) Stor halvakse (a) 350,136 mill. km (2,341 AE) Eksentrisitet (e) 0,223 Omløpsperiode (P) 1307,872 d (3,58 år) Gjennomsnittleg anomali (M) 110,299° Banehelling (i) 6,115° Lengda til oppstigande knute (Ω ) 44,305 Perihelargument (ω) 106,992° Fysiske eigenskapar Dimensjonar Spektralklasse S (SMASS) Absolutt storleiksklasse: 12,1 1664 Felix er ein hovudbelteasteroide. Han blei oppdaga den 4. februar 1929 av Eugène Joseph Delporte ifrå Observatoire Royal de Belgique i Uccle. Kjelder | 1664 Felix - baneparametrar hjå JPL Solar System Dynamics Oppdagarar og oppdagingsplassar i Eng...

Why is oil called more viscous than water when we slip on oil more than we do on water

2 $begingroup$ If we were to throw some water on the floor then walk over it we may or may not slip but it wouldn't that be difficult to walk. If we repeat the same thing with oil we it would be harder to walk as me spread our legs and apply a force component of force tangential to the surface of the floor does this not mean that the layers of oil have less friction between them than compared to water.So why is oil said to be more viscous? Another example is hair oil if we keep water in out palm it's not that slippery but with oil it's slippery even after we apply it to our hair. I've read some answers on reddit about this but I wasn't able to understand much. fluid-dynamics viscosity s...
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