Compound Interest… with Wizard Money
Gringotts isn't just a vault, but a reputable financial institution and wizards need loans too. Since you don't want to be screwed over by the Gringotts goblins, you decided it would be a good idea to write a program to calculate interest. Interest is compounded only yearly.
Your task is to calculate total owed amount after interest given the principal, interest rate, and time (whole years), operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down. There are 29 Bronze Knuts in a Silver Sickle and 17 Sickles in a Gold Galleon.
Loan taken out:
23 Knuts
16 Sickles
103 Galleons
@ 7.250%
For 3 years
Total owed after interest:
24 Knuts
4 Sickles
128 Galleons
Notes and Rules
- Input and output may be in any convenient format. You must take in Knuts, Sickles, Galleons, interest rate, and time. All but interest rate will be whole numbers. The interest rate is in increments of 0.125%.
- Input money is not guaranteed to be canonical (i.e. you can have 29 or more Knuts and 17 or more Sickles.)
- Output must be the canonical representation. (i.e. less than 29 Knuts and less than 17 Sickles)
- Totals owed, up to 1,000 Galleons, should be accurate to within 1 Knut per year of interest when compared with arbitrary precision calculations.
- You may round down after each year of interest or only at the end. Reference calculations can take this into account for accuracy checks.
Happy golfing!
code-golf math
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Gringotts isn't just a vault, but a reputable financial institution and wizards need loans too. Since you don't want to be screwed over by the Gringotts goblins, you decided it would be a good idea to write a program to calculate interest. Interest is compounded only yearly.
Your task is to calculate total owed amount after interest given the principal, interest rate, and time (whole years), operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down. There are 29 Bronze Knuts in a Silver Sickle and 17 Sickles in a Gold Galleon.
Loan taken out:
23 Knuts
16 Sickles
103 Galleons
@ 7.250%
For 3 years
Total owed after interest:
24 Knuts
4 Sickles
128 Galleons
Notes and Rules
- Input and output may be in any convenient format. You must take in Knuts, Sickles, Galleons, interest rate, and time. All but interest rate will be whole numbers. The interest rate is in increments of 0.125%.
- Input money is not guaranteed to be canonical (i.e. you can have 29 or more Knuts and 17 or more Sickles.)
- Output must be the canonical representation. (i.e. less than 29 Knuts and less than 17 Sickles)
- Totals owed, up to 1,000 Galleons, should be accurate to within 1 Knut per year of interest when compared with arbitrary precision calculations.
- You may round down after each year of interest or only at the end. Reference calculations can take this into account for accuracy checks.
Happy golfing!
code-golf math
Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,0.0725
instead of7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phraserounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago
add a comment |
Gringotts isn't just a vault, but a reputable financial institution and wizards need loans too. Since you don't want to be screwed over by the Gringotts goblins, you decided it would be a good idea to write a program to calculate interest. Interest is compounded only yearly.
Your task is to calculate total owed amount after interest given the principal, interest rate, and time (whole years), operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down. There are 29 Bronze Knuts in a Silver Sickle and 17 Sickles in a Gold Galleon.
Loan taken out:
23 Knuts
16 Sickles
103 Galleons
@ 7.250%
For 3 years
Total owed after interest:
24 Knuts
4 Sickles
128 Galleons
Notes and Rules
- Input and output may be in any convenient format. You must take in Knuts, Sickles, Galleons, interest rate, and time. All but interest rate will be whole numbers. The interest rate is in increments of 0.125%.
- Input money is not guaranteed to be canonical (i.e. you can have 29 or more Knuts and 17 or more Sickles.)
- Output must be the canonical representation. (i.e. less than 29 Knuts and less than 17 Sickles)
- Totals owed, up to 1,000 Galleons, should be accurate to within 1 Knut per year of interest when compared with arbitrary precision calculations.
- You may round down after each year of interest or only at the end. Reference calculations can take this into account for accuracy checks.
Happy golfing!
code-golf math
Gringotts isn't just a vault, but a reputable financial institution and wizards need loans too. Since you don't want to be screwed over by the Gringotts goblins, you decided it would be a good idea to write a program to calculate interest. Interest is compounded only yearly.
Your task is to calculate total owed amount after interest given the principal, interest rate, and time (whole years), operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down. There are 29 Bronze Knuts in a Silver Sickle and 17 Sickles in a Gold Galleon.
Loan taken out:
23 Knuts
16 Sickles
103 Galleons
@ 7.250%
For 3 years
Total owed after interest:
24 Knuts
4 Sickles
128 Galleons
Notes and Rules
- Input and output may be in any convenient format. You must take in Knuts, Sickles, Galleons, interest rate, and time. All but interest rate will be whole numbers. The interest rate is in increments of 0.125%.
- Input money is not guaranteed to be canonical (i.e. you can have 29 or more Knuts and 17 or more Sickles.)
- Output must be the canonical representation. (i.e. less than 29 Knuts and less than 17 Sickles)
- Totals owed, up to 1,000 Galleons, should be accurate to within 1 Knut per year of interest when compared with arbitrary precision calculations.
- You may round down after each year of interest or only at the end. Reference calculations can take this into account for accuracy checks.
Happy golfing!
code-golf math
code-golf math
asked 4 hours ago

Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,0.0725
instead of7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phraserounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago
add a comment |
Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,0.0725
instead of7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phraserounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago
Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,
instead of 7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,
instead of 7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phrase
rounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phrase
rounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago
add a comment |
5 Answers
Jelly, 29 bytes
A full program accepting arguments: rate
; [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
; years
Prints [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
Try it online!
Floors at the end of the entire term.÷ȷ2
may be removed if we may accept the rate as a ratio rather than a percentage.
“¢×ø‘©× - Link 1 multipliers: no arguments
“¢×ø‘ - list of code-age indices = [1,17,29]
© - (copy this to the register for later use)
- reduce by:
× - multiplication = [1,17,483]
÷ȷ2‘*⁵×÷¢S×¢d®U1¦Ṫ€Ḟ - Main Link
ȷ2 - 10^2 = 100
÷ - divide = rate/100
‘ - increment = 1+rate/100
⁵ - 5th command line argument (3rd input) = years
* - exponentiate = (1+rate/100)^years --i.e. multiplicand
× - multiply (by the borrowed amounts)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
÷ - divide (all amounts in Galleons)
S - sum (total Galleons owed)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
× - multiply (total owed in each of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts)
® - recall from register = [1,17,29]
d - divmod (vectorises) = [[G/1, G%1], [S/17, S^17], [K/17, K%17]]
U1¦ - reverse first one = [[G%1, G/1], [S/17, S%17], [K/17, K%17]]
Ṫ€ - tail €ach = [G/1, S%17, K%17]
Ḟ - floor (vectorises)
add a comment |
K, 46 Bytes
c:1000 17 29
store the list for base-conversion
is the function that calculates total amount
Use example:
t[103 16 23;7.25;3]
writes (128;4;24.29209)
transform the list (galleon; sickle; knuts) to kuts1+y%100
calculate rate of interest (example 1.0725 for 7.25% rate)lambda
does the work: iterate 3 times, applying interes*main, and returns final main.c:
generates galleon, sickles, knuts from knuts
NOTE.- if you don't need a names-function, we can use a lambda, saving 2 bytes
add a comment |
C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 85 bytes
(a,b,c)=>((k=(int)((a.a*17+a.b*29+a.c)*Math.Pow(1+b,c)))/493,(k%=493)/29,k%29);int k;
Takes inout as a named tuple with 3 values representing knuts, sickles, and galleons, and interest rate as a double (not a percentage). I really wish C# had an exponentation operator. Math.Pow
is way too long :(
Try it online!
add a comment |
Python 3.8 (pre-release), 75 74 bytes
-1 bytes thanks to @EmbodimentofIgnorance
This takes Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons as ints, interest as a float (decimal, not percentage), and years as an int. It returns a tuple containing the number after interest of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons, respectively.
lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
I=lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
Try it online!
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - soI(1,0,0,0.99,1)
should yield2,0,0
instead of1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to theHeader
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in theFooter
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question saysoperating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I tookrounding down
to meanchop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
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APL+WIN, 37 bytes
⌊n,17 29⊤493×n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493)×(1+⎕)*⎕
Try it online! Courtesy of Dyalog Classic
(1+⎕)*⎕ prompts for years followed by decimal interest rate and calculates
compounding multiplier
n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493) prompts for Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and converts to decimal Galleons
⌊n,17 29⊤493× converts decimal Galleons after applying compound interest,
converts back to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and rounds down
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5 Answers
5 Answers
Jelly, 29 bytes
A full program accepting arguments: rate
; [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
; years
Prints [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
Try it online!
Floors at the end of the entire term.÷ȷ2
may be removed if we may accept the rate as a ratio rather than a percentage.
“¢×ø‘©× - Link 1 multipliers: no arguments
“¢×ø‘ - list of code-age indices = [1,17,29]
© - (copy this to the register for later use)
- reduce by:
× - multiplication = [1,17,483]
÷ȷ2‘*⁵×÷¢S×¢d®U1¦Ṫ€Ḟ - Main Link
ȷ2 - 10^2 = 100
÷ - divide = rate/100
‘ - increment = 1+rate/100
⁵ - 5th command line argument (3rd input) = years
* - exponentiate = (1+rate/100)^years --i.e. multiplicand
× - multiply (by the borrowed amounts)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
÷ - divide (all amounts in Galleons)
S - sum (total Galleons owed)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
× - multiply (total owed in each of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts)
® - recall from register = [1,17,29]
d - divmod (vectorises) = [[G/1, G%1], [S/17, S^17], [K/17, K%17]]
U1¦ - reverse first one = [[G%1, G/1], [S/17, S%17], [K/17, K%17]]
Ṫ€ - tail €ach = [G/1, S%17, K%17]
Ḟ - floor (vectorises)
add a comment |
Jelly, 29 bytes
A full program accepting arguments: rate
; [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
; years
Prints [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
Try it online!
Floors at the end of the entire term.÷ȷ2
may be removed if we may accept the rate as a ratio rather than a percentage.
“¢×ø‘©× - Link 1 multipliers: no arguments
“¢×ø‘ - list of code-age indices = [1,17,29]
© - (copy this to the register for later use)
- reduce by:
× - multiplication = [1,17,483]
÷ȷ2‘*⁵×÷¢S×¢d®U1¦Ṫ€Ḟ - Main Link
ȷ2 - 10^2 = 100
÷ - divide = rate/100
‘ - increment = 1+rate/100
⁵ - 5th command line argument (3rd input) = years
* - exponentiate = (1+rate/100)^years --i.e. multiplicand
× - multiply (by the borrowed amounts)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
÷ - divide (all amounts in Galleons)
S - sum (total Galleons owed)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
× - multiply (total owed in each of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts)
® - recall from register = [1,17,29]
d - divmod (vectorises) = [[G/1, G%1], [S/17, S^17], [K/17, K%17]]
U1¦ - reverse first one = [[G%1, G/1], [S/17, S%17], [K/17, K%17]]
Ṫ€ - tail €ach = [G/1, S%17, K%17]
Ḟ - floor (vectorises)
add a comment |
Jelly, 29 bytes
A full program accepting arguments: rate
; [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
; years
Prints [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
Try it online!
Floors at the end of the entire term.÷ȷ2
may be removed if we may accept the rate as a ratio rather than a percentage.
“¢×ø‘©× - Link 1 multipliers: no arguments
“¢×ø‘ - list of code-age indices = [1,17,29]
© - (copy this to the register for later use)
- reduce by:
× - multiplication = [1,17,483]
÷ȷ2‘*⁵×÷¢S×¢d®U1¦Ṫ€Ḟ - Main Link
ȷ2 - 10^2 = 100
÷ - divide = rate/100
‘ - increment = 1+rate/100
⁵ - 5th command line argument (3rd input) = years
* - exponentiate = (1+rate/100)^years --i.e. multiplicand
× - multiply (by the borrowed amounts)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
÷ - divide (all amounts in Galleons)
S - sum (total Galleons owed)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
× - multiply (total owed in each of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts)
® - recall from register = [1,17,29]
d - divmod (vectorises) = [[G/1, G%1], [S/17, S^17], [K/17, K%17]]
U1¦ - reverse first one = [[G%1, G/1], [S/17, S%17], [K/17, K%17]]
Ṫ€ - tail €ach = [G/1, S%17, K%17]
Ḟ - floor (vectorises)
Jelly, 29 bytes
A full program accepting arguments: rate
; [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
; years
Prints [Galleons, Sickles, Knuts]
Try it online!
Floors at the end of the entire term.÷ȷ2
may be removed if we may accept the rate as a ratio rather than a percentage.
“¢×ø‘©× - Link 1 multipliers: no arguments
“¢×ø‘ - list of code-age indices = [1,17,29]
© - (copy this to the register for later use)
- reduce by:
× - multiplication = [1,17,483]
÷ȷ2‘*⁵×÷¢S×¢d®U1¦Ṫ€Ḟ - Main Link
ȷ2 - 10^2 = 100
÷ - divide = rate/100
‘ - increment = 1+rate/100
⁵ - 5th command line argument (3rd input) = years
* - exponentiate = (1+rate/100)^years --i.e. multiplicand
× - multiply (by the borrowed amounts)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
÷ - divide (all amounts in Galleons)
S - sum (total Galleons owed)
¢ - call last Link as a nilad
× - multiply (total owed in each of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts)
® - recall from register = [1,17,29]
d - divmod (vectorises) = [[G/1, G%1], [S/17, S^17], [K/17, K%17]]
U1¦ - reverse first one = [[G%1, G/1], [S/17, S%17], [K/17, K%17]]
Ṫ€ - tail €ach = [G/1, S%17, K%17]
Ḟ - floor (vectorises)
edited 3 hours ago
answered 4 hours ago

Jonathan AllanJonathan Allan
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K, 46 Bytes
c:1000 17 29
store the list for base-conversion
is the function that calculates total amount
Use example:
t[103 16 23;7.25;3]
writes (128;4;24.29209)
transform the list (galleon; sickle; knuts) to kuts1+y%100
calculate rate of interest (example 1.0725 for 7.25% rate)lambda
does the work: iterate 3 times, applying interes*main, and returns final main.c:
generates galleon, sickles, knuts from knuts
NOTE.- if you don't need a names-function, we can use a lambda, saving 2 bytes
add a comment |
K, 46 Bytes
c:1000 17 29
store the list for base-conversion
is the function that calculates total amount
Use example:
t[103 16 23;7.25;3]
writes (128;4;24.29209)
transform the list (galleon; sickle; knuts) to kuts1+y%100
calculate rate of interest (example 1.0725 for 7.25% rate)lambda
does the work: iterate 3 times, applying interes*main, and returns final main.c:
generates galleon, sickles, knuts from knuts
NOTE.- if you don't need a names-function, we can use a lambda, saving 2 bytes
add a comment |
K, 46 Bytes
c:1000 17 29
store the list for base-conversion
is the function that calculates total amount
Use example:
t[103 16 23;7.25;3]
writes (128;4;24.29209)
transform the list (galleon; sickle; knuts) to kuts1+y%100
calculate rate of interest (example 1.0725 for 7.25% rate)lambda
does the work: iterate 3 times, applying interes*main, and returns final main.c:
generates galleon, sickles, knuts from knuts
NOTE.- if you don't need a names-function, we can use a lambda, saving 2 bytes
K, 46 Bytes
c:1000 17 29
store the list for base-conversion
is the function that calculates total amount
Use example:
t[103 16 23;7.25;3]
writes (128;4;24.29209)
transform the list (galleon; sickle; knuts) to kuts1+y%100
calculate rate of interest (example 1.0725 for 7.25% rate)lambda
does the work: iterate 3 times, applying interes*main, and returns final main.c:
generates galleon, sickles, knuts from knuts
NOTE.- if you don't need a names-function, we can use a lambda, saving 2 bytes
answered 2 hours ago
J. SendraJ. Sendra
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C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 85 bytes
(a,b,c)=>((k=(int)((a.a*17+a.b*29+a.c)*Math.Pow(1+b,c)))/493,(k%=493)/29,k%29);int k;
Takes inout as a named tuple with 3 values representing knuts, sickles, and galleons, and interest rate as a double (not a percentage). I really wish C# had an exponentation operator. Math.Pow
is way too long :(
Try it online!
add a comment |
C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 85 bytes
(a,b,c)=>((k=(int)((a.a*17+a.b*29+a.c)*Math.Pow(1+b,c)))/493,(k%=493)/29,k%29);int k;
Takes inout as a named tuple with 3 values representing knuts, sickles, and galleons, and interest rate as a double (not a percentage). I really wish C# had an exponentation operator. Math.Pow
is way too long :(
Try it online!
add a comment |
C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 85 bytes
(a,b,c)=>((k=(int)((a.a*17+a.b*29+a.c)*Math.Pow(1+b,c)))/493,(k%=493)/29,k%29);int k;
Takes inout as a named tuple with 3 values representing knuts, sickles, and galleons, and interest rate as a double (not a percentage). I really wish C# had an exponentation operator. Math.Pow
is way too long :(
Try it online!
C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 85 bytes
(a,b,c)=>((k=(int)((a.a*17+a.b*29+a.c)*Math.Pow(1+b,c)))/493,(k%=493)/29,k%29);int k;
Takes inout as a named tuple with 3 values representing knuts, sickles, and galleons, and interest rate as a double (not a percentage). I really wish C# had an exponentation operator. Math.Pow
is way too long :(
Try it online!
edited 2 hours ago
answered 2 hours ago
Embodiment of IgnoranceEmbodiment of Ignorance
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Python 3.8 (pre-release), 75 74 bytes
-1 bytes thanks to @EmbodimentofIgnorance
This takes Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons as ints, interest as a float (decimal, not percentage), and years as an int. It returns a tuple containing the number after interest of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons, respectively.
lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
I=lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
Try it online!
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - soI(1,0,0,0.99,1)
should yield2,0,0
instead of1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to theHeader
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in theFooter
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question saysoperating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I tookrounding down
to meanchop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
add a comment |
Python 3.8 (pre-release), 75 74 bytes
-1 bytes thanks to @EmbodimentofIgnorance
This takes Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons as ints, interest as a float (decimal, not percentage), and years as an int. It returns a tuple containing the number after interest of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons, respectively.
lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
I=lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
Try it online!
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - soI(1,0,0,0.99,1)
should yield2,0,0
instead of1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to theHeader
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in theFooter
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question saysoperating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I tookrounding down
to meanchop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
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Python 3.8 (pre-release), 75 74 bytes
-1 bytes thanks to @EmbodimentofIgnorance
This takes Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons as ints, interest as a float (decimal, not percentage), and years as an int. It returns a tuple containing the number after interest of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons, respectively.
lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
I=lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
Try it online!
Python 3.8 (pre-release), 75 74 bytes
-1 bytes thanks to @EmbodimentofIgnorance
This takes Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons as ints, interest as a float (decimal, not percentage), and years as an int. It returns a tuple containing the number after interest of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons, respectively.
lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
I=lambda K,S,G,R,Y:((k:=int((K+G*493+S*29)*(1+R)**Y))%29,k//29%17,k//29//17)
Try it online!
edited 2 hours ago
answered 2 hours ago
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - soI(1,0,0,0.99,1)
should yield2,0,0
instead of1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to theHeader
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in theFooter
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question saysoperating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I tookrounding down
to meanchop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
add a comment |
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - soI(1,0,0,0.99,1)
should yield2,0,0
instead of1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to theHeader
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in theFooter
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question saysoperating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I tookrounding down
to meanchop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Good catch. Updating answer
– senox13
2 hours ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - so
should yield 2,0,0
instead of 1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to the Header
section I=
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in the Footer
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
Easy fix, but I think you need to round to the nearest Knut - so
should yield 2,0,0
instead of 1,0,0
. (Also, for convenience on TIO you can add to the Header
section I=
so you don't need to repeat the lambda in the Footer
– Chas Brown
1 hour ago
The question says
operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I took rounding down
to mean chop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks$endgroup$
– senox13
1 hour ago
The question says
operating in whole denominations of wizard money, rounding down
. I took rounding down
to mean chop off everything after the decimal point.
Using the header definitely sounds like an easier way to do things. I'll do that for future posts, thanks$endgroup$
– senox13
1 hour ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
That sounds a lot more like "truncating" than "rounding"; but I have asked the OP for clarification (because nit-picking is the name of the game here at PPCG :) ).
– Chas Brown
42 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
I don't disagree with you, that's just the meaning I've always seen used for rounding down, because you always round to the integer below your result. Otherwise it's just normal rounding. Letting OP decide is a good idea
– senox13
36 mins ago
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APL+WIN, 37 bytes
⌊n,17 29⊤493×n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493)×(1+⎕)*⎕
Try it online! Courtesy of Dyalog Classic
(1+⎕)*⎕ prompts for years followed by decimal interest rate and calculates
compounding multiplier
n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493) prompts for Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and converts to decimal Galleons
⌊n,17 29⊤493× converts decimal Galleons after applying compound interest,
converts back to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and rounds down
add a comment |
APL+WIN, 37 bytes
⌊n,17 29⊤493×n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493)×(1+⎕)*⎕
Try it online! Courtesy of Dyalog Classic
(1+⎕)*⎕ prompts for years followed by decimal interest rate and calculates
compounding multiplier
n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493) prompts for Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and converts to decimal Galleons
⌊n,17 29⊤493× converts decimal Galleons after applying compound interest,
converts back to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and rounds down
add a comment |
APL+WIN, 37 bytes
⌊n,17 29⊤493×n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493)×(1+⎕)*⎕
Try it online! Courtesy of Dyalog Classic
(1+⎕)*⎕ prompts for years followed by decimal interest rate and calculates
compounding multiplier
n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493) prompts for Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and converts to decimal Galleons
⌊n,17 29⊤493× converts decimal Galleons after applying compound interest,
converts back to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and rounds down
APL+WIN, 37 bytes
⌊n,17 29⊤493×n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493)×(1+⎕)*⎕
Try it online! Courtesy of Dyalog Classic
(1+⎕)*⎕ prompts for years followed by decimal interest rate and calculates
compounding multiplier
n←(+/⎕÷1 17 493) prompts for Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and converts to decimal Galleons
⌊n,17 29⊤493× converts decimal Galleons after applying compound interest,
converts back to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and rounds down
edited 1 hour ago
answered 2 hours ago
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Can we take the interest rate as a decimal instead of a percentage? (e.g.,
instead of7.25
– Shaggy
4 hours ago
@Shaggy I would also like to know this
– senox13
3 hours ago
If the loan is exactly 1 Knut, and the interest is 99% per year, and the term is 1 year, should the result be "1 Knut" or "2 Knuts"?
– Chas Brown
43 mins ago
In other words, please clarify the mathematical meaning of the phrase
rounding down
– senox13
39 mins ago