On the evalution of an infinite sum



I wish to show that
$$sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right] = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

The reason I wish to find such a sum is as follows.
The question here called for the evaluation (I have added its value) of
$$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

As one of the comments, the OP remarked that they would like to see different approaches to the evaluation of the integral so I thought I would try my hand at one that does not rely on contour integration and the residue theorem. My approach was as follows:
int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^1 frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx + int_1^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx\
&= int_0^1 frac{cos (ln x) (x + 1)}{sqrt{x} (1 + x^2)} , dx,

after a substitution of $x mapsto 1/x$ has been enforced in the second of the integrals. Now if we enforce a substitution of $x mapsto e^{-x}$ one arrives at
$$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = int_0^infty frac{cos x cosh (x/2)}{cosh x} , dx.$$
Writing the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponentials we have
int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^infty frac{cos x (e^{-x/2} + e^{-3x/2})}{1 + e^{-2x}} , dx\
&= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n int_0^infty left [e^{-(2n + 1/2 - i) x} + e^{-(2n + 3/2 - i)x} right ] , dx\
&= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{1}{2n + 1/2 - i} + frac{1}{2n + 3/2 - i} right ] tag1\
&= sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right],

which brings me to my sum.

Some thoughts on finding this sum

Rewriting the sum $S$ in (1) as follows:
S &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left [frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} + frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ]\
&= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ) + frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} right )\
& qquad - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} right ) - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} right )\
&= frac{1}{4} text{Re} left [psi left (frac{7}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) + psi left (frac{5}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{3}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{1}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) right ].

Here $psi (z)$ is the digamma function. I was rather hoping to use the reflexion formula for the digamma function, but alas it does not seem to take me any closer to a final real solution.

Final thought

While it would be nice to see how to evaluate this sum, perhaps my approach was not the best so alternative methods to evaluate the integral that avoid this sum and do not rely on contour integration would also be welcome.

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    I wish to show that
    $$sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right] = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

    The reason I wish to find such a sum is as follows.
    The question here called for the evaluation (I have added its value) of
    $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

    As one of the comments, the OP remarked that they would like to see different approaches to the evaluation of the integral so I thought I would try my hand at one that does not rely on contour integration and the residue theorem. My approach was as follows:
    int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^1 frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx + int_1^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx\
    &= int_0^1 frac{cos (ln x) (x + 1)}{sqrt{x} (1 + x^2)} , dx,

    after a substitution of $x mapsto 1/x$ has been enforced in the second of the integrals. Now if we enforce a substitution of $x mapsto e^{-x}$ one arrives at
    $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = int_0^infty frac{cos x cosh (x/2)}{cosh x} , dx.$$
    Writing the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponentials we have
    int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^infty frac{cos x (e^{-x/2} + e^{-3x/2})}{1 + e^{-2x}} , dx\
    &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n int_0^infty left [e^{-(2n + 1/2 - i) x} + e^{-(2n + 3/2 - i)x} right ] , dx\
    &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{1}{2n + 1/2 - i} + frac{1}{2n + 3/2 - i} right ] tag1\
    &= sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right],

    which brings me to my sum.

    Some thoughts on finding this sum

    Rewriting the sum $S$ in (1) as follows:
    S &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left [frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} + frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ]\
    &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ) + frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} right )\
    & qquad - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} right ) - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} right )\
    &= frac{1}{4} text{Re} left [psi left (frac{7}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) + psi left (frac{5}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{3}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{1}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) right ].

    Here $psi (z)$ is the digamma function. I was rather hoping to use the reflexion formula for the digamma function, but alas it does not seem to take me any closer to a final real solution.

    Final thought

    While it would be nice to see how to evaluate this sum, perhaps my approach was not the best so alternative methods to evaluate the integral that avoid this sum and do not rely on contour integration would also be welcome.

    share|cite|improve this question







      I wish to show that
      $$sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right] = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

      The reason I wish to find such a sum is as follows.
      The question here called for the evaluation (I have added its value) of
      $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

      As one of the comments, the OP remarked that they would like to see different approaches to the evaluation of the integral so I thought I would try my hand at one that does not rely on contour integration and the residue theorem. My approach was as follows:
      int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^1 frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx + int_1^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx\
      &= int_0^1 frac{cos (ln x) (x + 1)}{sqrt{x} (1 + x^2)} , dx,

      after a substitution of $x mapsto 1/x$ has been enforced in the second of the integrals. Now if we enforce a substitution of $x mapsto e^{-x}$ one arrives at
      $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = int_0^infty frac{cos x cosh (x/2)}{cosh x} , dx.$$
      Writing the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponentials we have
      int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^infty frac{cos x (e^{-x/2} + e^{-3x/2})}{1 + e^{-2x}} , dx\
      &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n int_0^infty left [e^{-(2n + 1/2 - i) x} + e^{-(2n + 3/2 - i)x} right ] , dx\
      &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{1}{2n + 1/2 - i} + frac{1}{2n + 3/2 - i} right ] tag1\
      &= sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right],

      which brings me to my sum.

      Some thoughts on finding this sum

      Rewriting the sum $S$ in (1) as follows:
      S &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left [frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} + frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ]\
      &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ) + frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} right )\
      & qquad - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} right ) - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} right )\
      &= frac{1}{4} text{Re} left [psi left (frac{7}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) + psi left (frac{5}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{3}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{1}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) right ].

      Here $psi (z)$ is the digamma function. I was rather hoping to use the reflexion formula for the digamma function, but alas it does not seem to take me any closer to a final real solution.

      Final thought

      While it would be nice to see how to evaluate this sum, perhaps my approach was not the best so alternative methods to evaluate the integral that avoid this sum and do not rely on contour integration would also be welcome.

      share|cite|improve this question


      I wish to show that
      $$sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right] = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

      The reason I wish to find such a sum is as follows.
      The question here called for the evaluation (I have added its value) of
      $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = frac{pi}{sqrt{2}} frac{cosh left (frac{pi}{2} right )}{cosh (pi)}.$$

      As one of the comments, the OP remarked that they would like to see different approaches to the evaluation of the integral so I thought I would try my hand at one that does not rely on contour integration and the residue theorem. My approach was as follows:
      int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^1 frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx + int_1^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx\
      &= int_0^1 frac{cos (ln x) (x + 1)}{sqrt{x} (1 + x^2)} , dx,

      after a substitution of $x mapsto 1/x$ has been enforced in the second of the integrals. Now if we enforce a substitution of $x mapsto e^{-x}$ one arrives at
      $$int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx = int_0^infty frac{cos x cosh (x/2)}{cosh x} , dx.$$
      Writing the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponentials we have
      int_0^infty frac{sqrt{x} cos (ln x)}{x^2 + 1} , dx &= int_0^infty frac{cos x (e^{-x/2} + e^{-3x/2})}{1 + e^{-2x}} , dx\
      &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n int_0^infty left [e^{-(2n + 1/2 - i) x} + e^{-(2n + 3/2 - i)x} right ] , dx\
      &= text{Re} sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{1}{2n + 1/2 - i} + frac{1}{2n + 3/2 - i} right ] tag1\
      &= sum_{n = 0}^infty (-1)^n left [frac{2n + 1/2}{(2n + 1/2)^2 + 1} + frac{2n + 3/2}{(2n + 3/2)^2 + 1} right],

      which brings me to my sum.

      Some thoughts on finding this sum

      Rewriting the sum $S$ in (1) as follows:
      S &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left [frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} + frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ]\
      &= text{Re} cdot frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 7/8 - i/4} right ) + frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 5/8 - i/4} right )\
      & qquad - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 3/8 - i/4} right ) - frac{1}{4} sum_{n = 0}^infty left (frac{1}{n + 1} - frac{1}{n + 1/8 - i/4} right )\
      &= frac{1}{4} text{Re} left [psi left (frac{7}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) + psi left (frac{5}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{3}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) - psi left (frac{1}{8} - frac{i}{4} right ) right ].

      Here $psi (z)$ is the digamma function. I was rather hoping to use the reflexion formula for the digamma function, but alas it does not seem to take me any closer to a final real solution.

      Final thought

      While it would be nice to see how to evaluate this sum, perhaps my approach was not the best so alternative methods to evaluate the integral that avoid this sum and do not rely on contour integration would also be welcome.

      integration sequences-and-series definite-integrals improper-integrals closed-form

      share|cite|improve this question

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      share|cite|improve this question

      edited 52 mins ago


      asked 1 hour ago




          1 Answer






          &=frac18sum_{ninmathbb{Z}}(-1)^nleft[frac1{n+frac14-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac14+frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34+frac i2}right]tag4\
          &=frac18left[fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14+frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34+frac i2right)right)}right]tag5\

          $(2)$: use symmetry
          $(3)$: pull factor of $frac12$ out front
          $(4)$: partial fractions
          $(5)$: use $(3)$ from this answer
          $(6)$: evaluate the sine of a complex number
          $(7)$: simplify

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
            – omegadot
            37 mins ago

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          1 Answer












          &=frac18sum_{ninmathbb{Z}}(-1)^nleft[frac1{n+frac14-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac14+frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34+frac i2}right]tag4\
          &=frac18left[fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14+frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34+frac i2right)right)}right]tag5\

          $(2)$: use symmetry
          $(3)$: pull factor of $frac12$ out front
          $(4)$: partial fractions
          $(5)$: use $(3)$ from this answer
          $(6)$: evaluate the sine of a complex number
          $(7)$: simplify

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
            – omegadot
            37 mins ago



          &=frac18sum_{ninmathbb{Z}}(-1)^nleft[frac1{n+frac14-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac14+frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34+frac i2}right]tag4\
          &=frac18left[fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14+frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34+frac i2right)right)}right]tag5\

          $(2)$: use symmetry
          $(3)$: pull factor of $frac12$ out front
          $(4)$: partial fractions
          $(5)$: use $(3)$ from this answer
          $(6)$: evaluate the sine of a complex number
          $(7)$: simplify

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
            – omegadot
            37 mins ago





          &=frac18sum_{ninmathbb{Z}}(-1)^nleft[frac1{n+frac14-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac14+frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34+frac i2}right]tag4\
          &=frac18left[fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14+frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34+frac i2right)right)}right]tag5\

          $(2)$: use symmetry
          $(3)$: pull factor of $frac12$ out front
          $(4)$: partial fractions
          $(5)$: use $(3)$ from this answer
          $(6)$: evaluate the sine of a complex number
          $(7)$: simplify

          share|cite|improve this answer


          &=frac18sum_{ninmathbb{Z}}(-1)^nleft[frac1{n+frac14-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac14+frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34-frac i2}+frac1{n+frac34+frac i2}right]tag4\
          &=frac18left[fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac14+frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34-frac i2right)right)}+fracpi{sinleft(pi!left(frac34+frac i2right)right)}right]tag5\

          $(2)$: use symmetry
          $(3)$: pull factor of $frac12$ out front
          $(4)$: partial fractions
          $(5)$: use $(3)$ from this answer
          $(6)$: evaluate the sine of a complex number
          $(7)$: simplify

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited 51 mins ago

          answered 1 hour ago




          • $begingroup$
            Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
            – omegadot
            37 mins ago

          • $begingroup$
            Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
            – omegadot
            37 mins ago

          Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
          – omegadot
          37 mins ago

          Given the form of the final answer, I thought there would be a Mittag-Leffler expansion hiding in there somewhere. Nice work and thanks (+1).
          – omegadot
          37 mins ago

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